# pluck()

The pluck method retrieves all of the values for a given key:

const collection = collect([
    id: 78,
    name: 'Aeron',
    id: 79,
    name: 'Embody',

const plucked = collection.pluck('name');


// ['Aeron', 'Embody']

You may also specify how you wish the resulting collection to be keyed:

const collection = collect([
    id: 78,
    name: 'Aeron',
    id: 79,
    name: 'Embody',

const plucked = collection.pluck('name', 'id');


// {
//   78: 'Aeron',
//   79: 'Embody',
// }

You can use "dot notation" to access nested values

const collection = collect([
    name: 'John',
    roles: [
        name: 'Editor',
        name: 'Admin',

const plucked = collection.pluck('roles.0.name');


// ['Editor']

"Dot notation" supports "wildcard"

const collection = collect([
    name: 'John',
    roles: [
        name: 'Editor',
        name: 'Admin',

const plucked = collection.pluck('roles.*.name');


// [
//   [
//     'Editor',
//     'Admin',
//   ],
// ]

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