# where()

The where method filters the collection by a given key / value pair:

const collection = collect([
  { product: 'Desk', price: 200, discounted: true },
  { product: 'Chair', price: 100, discounted: true },
  { product: 'Bookcase', price: 150, discounted: true },
  { product: 'Door', price: 100 },

const filtered = collection.where('price', 100);


// [
//   { product: 'Chair', price: 100 },
//   { product: 'Door', price: 100 },
// ]

const discounted = collection.where('discounted');


// [
//  { product: 'Desk', price: 200, discounted: true },
//  { product: 'Chair', price: 100, discounted: true },
//  { product: 'Bookcase', price: 150, discounted: true },
// ]

const notDiscounted = collection.where('discounted', false);


// [
//  { product: 'Door', price: 100 },
// ]

When working with nested objects where() method allows dot notated keys. E.g. where('product.category', 'office-supplies') The where method also allows for custom comparisons:

Non-identity / strict inequality (!==)

const filtered = collection.where('price', '!==', 100);


// [
//   { product: 'Desk', price: 200 },
//   { product: 'Bookcase', price: 150 },
// ]

Less than operator (<)

const filtered = collection.where('price', '<', 100);


// []

Less than or equal operator (<=)

const filtered = collection.where('price', '<=', 100);


// [
//   { product: 'Chair', price: 100 },
//   { product: 'Door', price: 100 },
// ]

Greater than operator (>)

const filtered = collection.where('price', '>', 100);


// [
//   { product: 'Desk', price: 200} ,
//   { product: 'Bookcase', price: 150 },
// ]

Greater than or equal operator (>=)

const filtered = collection.where('price', '>=', 150);


// [
//   { product: 'Desk', price: 200} ,
//   { product: 'Bookcase', price: 150 },
// ]

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